Berg Go2 Kids Push & Pedal Powered Go Kart | Baby Blue
The BERG GO² is suitable for children from the ages of 10 months to 2.5 years old. This clever kart provides dual functionality but allows the ride to easily flip up or flip down the set of pedals, turning the cart in to a push cart or pedal cart as needed. Starting off as the perfect push cart, as your child grows and their confidence and riding skills improve, they can fold down the pedals and turn the push cart into a fully working cart.
Safety is paramount within all Berg designed and as such, this push cart come pedal cart provides some excellent safety features. A short wheel base and low center of gravity means the Berg GO² is nearly impossible to tip. Never go flat tyres and whisper quiet wheels mean that your little one never has to worry about loud scary noises related to a puncture or inferior wheel bearings. Both forward and reverse functionality are available to help your child navigate through difficult situations.
The unique Berg "Direct Drive" system provides support for when your child is beginning to pedal, making it easier for them to get going and focus on the path ahead, rather than starring at their feet as they push off.
The BERG GO² is the best choice because not only does it make playing fun, it also helps your child’s development.
Suitable for children sizes 10 months through 24 months old
Offer the flexibility to scoot and pedal by folding the pedals out when required
Anti slip seat
Never go flat tyres
Whisper quiet wheels
Berg direct drive help your child start peddling and take off easily
High quality ball bearings in the pedals and rear axle
Forward and reverse function
Low center of gravity provides additional safety
Steering wheel and the pedals can be operated independently
Child safe design ensure that little feet are never snagged in the pedals or wheels
Sleek, ergonomic design
Promotes fun as well as physical and cognitive development
Weight: 6kg
Dimensions: 25cm x 44cm x 47cm
Maximum Weight: 20kg
Package Contents
1 x Pedal Go Kart