Fire Engine Inspired Kids Ride On Car Firetruck | Fire Engine Red
Get ready to jump into action. RideOns.com.au are proud to present the Fire Engine Inspired Kids Ride On Car Firetruck. In Fire Engine red no less. This wonderful electric ride on will bring joy to your little one and allow them to live out all of their fantasies about being a real fire fighter and driving a real life fire truck. Like all of our high quality ride ons at RideOns.com.au, this ride provides your child a new skills, a new set of challenges and a new exciting adventure.
So why choose a ride on car? It turns out that encouraging exposure to learning based activities early in a child’s life is easily accomplished by choosing toys which challenge kids and promote the active development of motor and cognitive skills. Children learn both the skills they need to develop in areas of motion but also begin to recognize and internalize environmental social cues. In plain English, when kids ride in ride ons, they learn how to ride a ride on but also how to engage and enjoy other types of physically new activities. This type of learning stimulates the child and provides excitement about how they can continue to develop this new set of skills. They will want to try new activities as their confidence grows. At RideOns.com.au Australia’s #1 Kids Ride On retailer, we have ride ons for every stage of your child’s development, from push cars, to motorized cars to bicycles. Each ride on provides a new set of physical challenges and encourages your little one to explore and grow. Which is exactly what they want.
The design of this Fire Engine Inspired Kids Ride On Car Firetruck is an absolute winner. It features all of the main visible elements of a firetruck including truck decals, movable ladder, emergency lighting, flashing headlights and reversing taillights. A chrome finish to most external elements provides a real sense of a true firetruck, while the oversize wheels and ladder come back support provide additional stability and a smooth driving experience.
The included bubble gun is something very special. While it is designed to look like the water hose we are all used to seeing on a real life firetruck, this hose is connected to a bubble liquid holder and allows your little one to shoot bubbles in any direction. A truly magical experience and unique to ride on cars we have sold at RideOns.com.au. Additional safety features include and extra wide anti slip seat, four-wheel suspension and extra grippy tyres.
Handling this Fire Engine Inspired Kids Ride On Car Firetruck is also a breeze with the big steering wheel and controls for keyless start, forward and reverse movement and music. To ensure your little one enjoys the ride, this ride on features a unique soft speed system to prevent jerky starts and allow for gradual acceleration and deceleration.
At rideons.com.au we love ride on and we love having fun. Come join us.